Happy International Women's Day!!!

I am so happy to be sharing International Women's Day with fellow go-getter Munje Foh of The Foreign Market  and thousands of men and women from around the world who gathered at  the United Nations earlier this afternoon to mark International Women's Day with a march to Times Square. This year the main focus of the march is to  speak up for the gender, i.e. women, that is traditionally paid less for work and often has a smaller voice in policy decisions.
In the words of New York First Lady, Chirlane McCray, "Today, you are marching in the footsteps of generations of feminists,"...This march started more than a century ago, but we still have a long way to go before we get to equality."  

Personally I am beyond grateful to have been raised by strong, beautiful, hardworking and powerful women  that have molded me into the women that I am today. My mother, her three sisters, the female members of my extended family, the Sierra Leone Business women's Hub and all other many others that have in one way or another contributed to my progress over the years. I am also grateful for the men in my life especially my father and grandfather who have always instilled a sense of pride in me and never allowed me to see my gender as an obstacle to progress. As we celebrate International Women's day I wish women across the world success, progress and lots of love.

Here’s to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them.
Madam Wokie


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